Tuesday, 1 March 2016


Last week I read a story called Spaghetti. I liked how Gabriel used to be lonely but when he got Spaghetti the cat he wasn't. I wondered where Spaghetti came from and who was his old owner. At the end of the story it made me feel happy because Gabriel wasn't as shy as he used to be and Spaghetti had a home. Please tell me what your favourite story was.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why did you say this can you provide evidence so we know it is true.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maybe you cloud give some more detail about your responses.

  5. I think you should make this a little longer but it is good because you put reasons why you like this story. My favorite story is so far A Pet because Emma really wanted a pet and took good care of the fish she got. The ending was sad but overall the story is good.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like your thinking because you explained why you like the story Spaghetti and how you feel about it.

  8. I like Boar Out There the most, because it had a lot of meaning to me. The meaning to me is that everything can achieve his dream. I also like how Spaghetti ended smoothly. I think that story Spaghetti should be a bit longer. I think that you did a very nice post.

  9. I thought about that too. I was wondering who is the original owner of the cat. I was confused, why the cat Spaghetti was in the middle of the street?


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