Monday 7 March 2016

Week 3 Group 4 The Tiger Rising AISD
At the end of the book, Rob finally frees the tiger from its cage. What might the importance/significance of this be in relation to the struggles he has experienced in in his own life throughout the book? When his dad sees the tiger free, he shoots it. How do you think Rob feels about this shooting and why? Provide evidence from the text to support your thoughts.

For question 1, Rob opens his "suitcase" and lets out his feelings. He opens his "suitcase" throughout the story when he was with Sistine. It makes him more sensitive and all so a better person because if you keep all your feelings inside of you I think that I couldn't stand  keeping my feelings inside of a "suitcase".  In the story Rob is telling Sistine the things that he keeps inside his “suitcase”. That is why I think Rob is opens his “suitcase” when he is with Sistine.

For question 2, I think that that Rob feels sad but happy that his dad was protecting him. When the tiger was shot Rob opened his dad's "suitcase".  His dad should have knew better than to kill a tiger but all so he protected Rob. I think when the tiger just died Rob felt like he wanted to yell because he was really mad but at the end I think Rob realized  that his father did not want Rob to get hurt. In the story Rob is hitting his dad, this show that Rob is really angry.

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