Monday, 29 February 2016

Wk.2 - Group 1 - Stone fox ( ASB)

 In the book Stone fox the character Stone Fox  is not talking only to white men. I feel sorry for Stone Fox because of that his land was taken for the white men.

One connection I made was that I saw  a dog racing  in a movie.
 I also think Stone fox is called Stone fox because in the book it says that he is hard as stone and that that he has so many dog. I wonder how little Willy is going to win?

I think John Reynolds Gardiner wants us to think a lot of the main idea or wonder what happen next.I also think John Reynolds Gardiner wants us to wonder a lot.
             link photo


  1. I think he won because Stone Fox made a line and if anybody cross it he will shoot the racers without little Willy. I also saw a movie and i saw a same dog as searchlight and he died.

  2. I think he won because Stone Fox made a line and if anybody cross it he will shoot the racers without little Willy. I also saw a movie and i saw a same dog as searchlight and he died.

  3. I agree with you that why his name is called stone fox also I think little willy will win the race because everything is going chapter 10 I was really sad because in last serchlight dies.

  4. I think that Stone fox is trying to help out little willy because he wanted to help him win.


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