Thursday, 25 February 2016

WK1- Grp2- Every Living Thing- (CISS)What are the connections between stories 1~4

Q: What are the connections between stories 1~4?

A: From the book "Every Living Thing",  Chapters 1 and 4 is similar. One reason why it's similar is because at the end of the story, the main character learnt something, or a lesson. For example: In chapter 1, at last, Leo felt he was fast. In chapter 4, Harry learned that his dad was always missing him in the store.

Another reason is that the animal interacts with the main character. In chapter 1, Charlie( The turtle) would poke its head in Leo's neck. In chapter 4, the parrot talks with Harry. (Not really talk in human language, but repeating all the things Harry's dad says. This makes me realise that sometimes living things can make a different in us.


  1. I think you did a very good job and used great evidence from the story.

  2. I think you did very well on putting evidence in your prompt response. Maybe you should add an explaination next time.

  3. I read the book and all the stories are similar because they are all about animals


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